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Most Wanted List

The HSR Alumni Association needs your help! The editors of the Virtual Museum are in search of artifacts. While we are looking for all items relating to Horseshoe Scout Reservation, the following topics have been identified the HSRAA Most Wanted List. If you have any items relating to these objects, please contact the VM curator here.

  1. Ware, Ware, Ware - Anything relating to Camp Ware, Jubilee and Explorer Base. The HSRAA recognizes that Camp Ware is grossly under represented in the VM. Our top priority is fixing this but we need your help.
  2. Robert's Day - In the 1940's (and 1950's?) a Saturday was designated Robert's Day. This special event featured facility dedications such for McIlvaine Lodge, Morrison Health Lodge and more.
  3. The 1950's and 1960's - While the editors are constantly in search for treasures from all periods at Horseshoe, the VM is most lacking in artifacts from these two decades. We are hoping that Packrats who camped or worked at HSR during this period can dig up some memories.
  4. Campwide Games and Activities - The VM only has a handfull of artifacts from campwide games and activities. Remember Diving Della and Herman the Flea? What about Beat the Clock in the seventies and eighties with Pink Floyd's Time booming on the PA system for an hour? We are looking for artifacts from all games and time periods.
  5. Campsites - Much of camp life centers around the campsite. We need pictures, video and memories of the campsites at Horseshoe Scout Reservation.
  6. Outposts - Outpost camping was a big part of camp especially in the early days. Camp Thomas, Gray Horse and other outpost sites are pretty much memories today but unfortunately memories that are quickly fading. Help preserve this piece of history by submitting any pictures and stories of these overnight destinations.
  7. Royal Order of Siam - Those of us who worked or camped at Horseshoe during the 1970's will remember Ken Yeager and Malvern Troop 7's Troop Night activity featuring initiation into the Royal Order of Siam and the awsome feast that followed.
  8. Troop Photos - Many troops memorialize their experience at camp with an official troop photo, and we'd love to display your troop's photos from years past on the Virtual Museum. We have only a few dozen, yet - by our calculations - there should be over 1000 that were taken since they became standard in 1978.
  9. Special Camporee and Science Camp - Two integral parts of the Camp John H. Ware III summer program since the 90s, yet we have only a few artifacts thus far. Photos and memorabilia (or even video!) would be great additions to these exhibits.
  10. Order of the Arrow Conclaves - Octoraro Lodge #22 hosts a conclave on average every 6 years at Camp Horseshoe, and the virtual museum has just a smattering of the endless photos that must have been taken during those events. These are great events that capture the pageantry of Native-American dance, camping at its best, and all around great food, fun and fellowship.
  11. Historical Documents and Newspaper Articles - Do you have an old contract that you signed to work at Horseshoe or Ware? What about press clippings of an article about hiking or biking to camp from Devon (I mention this example because one exists and we don't have it)? Please send us publications that delve into the historical record or show the good face of HSR to the outside world. We have but a few of these to date.
  12. ??? - Is there something of particular interest to you that you do not see in the VM? Send an email to the VM curator with your suggestions.

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