Achgheketum Circle Renovations
From the Spring 2020 Octoraro Loop.
Part of the money raised at the Centennial Citizen Award Dinner goes directly towards the rebuilding of the Saturday night ceremonial fire circle, a camp attraction in need of a facelift. Large natural boulders will be used along the base of the Scout seating area and along the base and top of the visitor section. All current benches have been removed and are being replaced. Manufactured stone steps will be used in the seating area to insure consistent riser heights with low level lighting. The current stone entry for the Scouts and the Chief stand will remain, with a ramp to the stand coming from higher ground. The outer fire pits will stay.
Anyone who has sat in the visitor section of the circle may know the benches tilted forward due to hydrostatic pressure. This project addresses that problem by diverting water away from the seating area and using the large boulders and concrete to hold the ground and seats in place. While the heavy work is being handled by a landscaping company, Horseshoe volunteers are needed to help with the drainage, seeding, plus bringing electric and plumbing to the site.
From the Summer 2020 Octoraro Loop.
Continued progress has been made to the Camp Fire Circle thanks to additional funding from HSRAA, plus donated equipment and time from fellow HSR Alumni, Lee McIlvaine. Lee brought in equipment to help dig the trench from Roberts Lodge for the water and electric lines down to the Fire Circle. Not an easy task with the solid rock our camp is built upon. Water and electric now accessible at the circle.
Additional work included building a retaining wall above the benches of the visitors’ section. This will allow a flat, skybox view of the Saturday night ceremony, and provide handicap access from the road. While the construction vehicles were still at camp, Lee helped regrade the road down to the underwater bridge, smoothing out the ruts and potholes that have developed.
The HSR Alumni have continued to make significant contributions both financially and in time and effort on this project and many others.