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Membership Eligibility

Membership in the HSRAA is open to anyone who has ever spent one night of camping at the Horseshoe Scout Reservation.

Membership Benefits

Members at all levels are listed on our rolls, receive our mailings, are eligible to vote for officers, and are eligible to serve on committees and/or our Board of Directors.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Membership dues are spent overwhelmingly on projects (90+%), membership and reunion mailers, website hosting and registration... and that's about it! Our overhead is very low so your contribution goes a long way towards our mission.

Membership Levels

SERPENTINE - $1,000 - Named after the waxy green-grey rock found at the reservation, our highest membership level was created for alumni who wish to demonstrate their ongoing commitment at a leadership level.

PLATINUM - $300 - Platinum membership is highly appreciated and allows HSRAA to grow our projects. Remember, one of our 3 goals in our mission is to be a benefactor to camp and you can certainly make a deep impact with membership at this level.

GOLD - $125 - Contributions at this level often take up a noticeable percentage of our project budgets, for which over 90% of membership dues at every level are used.

SILVER - $45 - Our base contributor level. As with all levels, you receive all of our mailings and the ability to contribute to the HSRAA Virtual Museum. Members often start contributing at this level and eventually contribute at higher membership levels.

BRONZE (Student & Senior) - $25 - We recognize that students and seniors want to give but might not be able to give at the other membership levels, so this level was created to give them that opportunity.

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