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HSRAA Virtual Museum Contributors

The Horseshoe Scout Reservation Alumni Association (HSRAA) Virtual Museum was conceived and constructed by members of the HSRAA. The artifacts contained herein are all contributions from our members who have diligently preserved the rich history of the Horseshoe Scout Reservation by taking a watchful eye, wielding a steady camera and stuffing a foot locker full of goodies throughout the years. Without their kneckerchiefs, brochures, pictures, maps, leader mugs, stories, videos, patches and everything else not welded to the frame of a camp vehicle, the museum would be virtually empty.

For their contributions - small, medium or large - we would like to thank the following individuals for their generous submissions to the Virtual Museum:

Mike Arles
Jeffrey D. Balmat
Meridith Barrett
Jim Battenfelder
Kenneth Beam Mr
Richard T. Bensing
Kevin Berger
Michael Berkeihiser
Linda Bowling
Dan Brown
Steve Brun
James Buczala
Harriss A. Butler
Matt Candy
Stephen Carroll
Gerry Cavanaugh
Peter Ciorrocco
Marc Circus
David Cline
Andrew Coe
Cynthia B Coe
A. Ray Coe
Richard K. Coster
Karen Cox
Edward E. Crompton
Steven D'Antonio
Chester Darlington
Earl Dering Sr.
Michael Di Domenico
Anthony J. DiAntonio
Craig Dickson
Mike DiDomenico
Joseph N DiStefano
Jon DiVirgilio
Ed Dougherty Sr.
James Dukovic
Joseph Eagan
Allen Eagles
Ron Eckert
Evan Ellwanger
Andrew Fish
Robert Fisher
Richard D. Foot
Cooper Ford
Jeff Frederick
Richard Gardner
Fred N. Gates
James H. Gawthrop
Chris Gilbert
Jeffrey L. Goodman
Rev. James Goudie
Clarke A. Green
Kevin Grewell
Matt Griffin
Mr. William R Grubb Jr.
Neil Gutherman
Mark C. Hammond
Ray Hayden
G. Ernest Heegard
Janet S. Hess
Alan Hicks
Robert Hinderliter
Bill Hohl
Joshua Hughes
Dean Kaiser
Saralyn Kassel
William Kassel
Frank Keegan
Alex Keene
Jay Kemmerer
John Kemmerer
Andrew Keyes
Mitch King
Richard F. Kline
Brian Kotzer
Nick Landis
Mike LaRosa
Ed Layton
Robert Lenker
Nick Leusky
Eric R. Lorgus
Clayton Lottes
Karla Loughead
Steve MacCall-Carter
Mark Mackowiak
Paul A Manili
Samuel Mantegna III
Mr William Steven Mark Jr
Dale Mast
Robert E. Matje
James A. Matthews
Bill (William) K Mayer
Leonard M. McCabe
Tom McCabe
Robert K. McCarter
Lchris McConnell
John McFadden
Dr. David Mellinger
David Mengel
Sean Miller
Steve T Miller
J. Roland Minshall
C. Brett Montich
James E. Montich
Mark Morris
Pete Motel
Dave Moyer
Paul Munscher
Thomas Murphy
Harry J. Murvin
Alexander Musto
Dr. Russell Neubauer
Paul Owens
Jacqueline E Palmer
Jacqueline Palmer
Dan Pawling
Jermaine Race
Jacob Regensburger
John B. Rettew III
Richard L. (Link) Rice
Craig Rittase
Bruce Robertson
Derrick Rowe
Ted Ryan
Scott R. Salvatore
Gus Sauerzopf
Thomas Savoy
Jeff L Schaefer
Steven Scheidt
Gary M. Schroeder
Jake Segal
Rev. Thomas Shanklin
Dr. David J. Sherwood
Damon Sinclair
Andrew Smith
Richard E. Stick Smith Jr.
Jim Soltysiak
Matthew R Steinberger
James Sweed
Ronald Sykes
C. Spud Truitt
Tommy Valentini
William Warram
W. Stuart Watson III
C. William Waxbom
Christian Wells
Brian White
Tom Williams
Matthew Wills
Bryan Wilson
Karl W. Winsch
David B. Woodward
Richie D. Woodward
Wayne Woodward
John Zebley

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