100 - Lobby
101 - Camp Geography
102 - Timeline
103 - Before there was Horseshoe
104 - Spirit of the Horseshoe
105 - Camp Ware
106 - Memorabilia
107 - Publications and Productions
200 - Ware Buildings
201 - Ware Outdoor Facilities
202 - Horseshoe Buildings
203 - Horseshoe Outdoor Facilities
204 - Campsites
205 - Infrastructure
300 - Sights and Sounds
301 - Group Photos
302 - Horseshoe Program Areas
303 - Camp Ware Program Areas
304 - Campwide Activities
305 - Recognition
400 - 1919 through the 1930s Staff
401 - 1940s and 50s Staff
402 - 1960s Staff
403 - 1970s Staff
404 - 1980s Staff
405 - 1990s Staff
406 - 2000s Staff
407 - 2010s Staff
408 - 2020s Staff
409 - Staff Memorabilia
410 - Staff Leaders and Recognition
500 - HSR Training
501 - Special Events
502 - HSRAA
503 - Special Summer Programs
504 - Winter Camping
505 - Octoraro Lodge #22
600 - Special Ceremonies at HSR
601 - The People of HSR
602 - The Artistry of HSR
603 - The Scout Law at HSR