From the Winter 2010 Octoraro Loop.
Craig Hadden, HSRAA member, led the Council's 100th Celebration in 2010. Council participation was strong in the year-long series of 100th events which included: Century of Values Tour presentation; the Council Recognition dinner in February; A "Gathering of Eagles" event; The Grand Centennial Parade in Washington, DC leading up to the National Jamboree 100th event and its Shining Light Across America; "Retro" merit badge offerings at summer camp; The Council's Fall Camporee in October with over 1600 Scouts and leaders attending; and, the grand highlight event... the Gala at the Rivercrest Golf Club capping the 100th Year!
And, of course, one of the key components of the 100th was The Horseshoe Scout Reservation Alumni Association's dedication of its 11th reunion in July to Horseshoe's Scoutmasters and Leaders. A "Trail of Leadership" identified those selected for the Hall of Leadership recognition with descriptive information about each person. Many leaders were on hand (a compendium of photos are included on the following pages). This included Past Council Presidents Bob Lorgus, JB Rettew, Hab Butler, Dolores Hagerstrom, Blake Prichard, Russ Neubauer and 2011- elect Bill Taylor. While the day had a bit of "Horseshoe Dew" all enjoyed reuniting at the best attended Reunion.