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From the Fall/Winter 2008 Octoraro Loop.

Missing... Missing...

It was a typical July day at Camp Horseshoe - a lot of heat and humidity - but nothing to keep the attendees hopping and stomping to the renditions of their favorite Sump Pumps on their retro-return to Camp. This year they were "unplugged and flowing." In addition, the HSRA alumni and their friends were treated to the songs of the Horseshoe Staff chorus? melodious singing a capella.

That afternoon, Maureen Millman, retiring Council office worker (who worked tirelessly for the troops? camping reservations, etc.) was feted for her service at her retirement party with the HSRAA. A number of speeches recognized her many years of experience and she was presented by Bill Taylor, Council Commissioner, with a Richard Bollinger print of the Lane Farm house now the home of Roy Cole in his retirement.

Prior to the evening Retreat ceremony, the infamous "class pictures" were taken and appear in Missing... this issue...My...but no one seems to have changed a bit from one year to the next!

A sumptuous supper of roast pig was enjoyed by all after which our spirits were lifted by Ernie Heegard's inspired song-leadership. Camp songs always get everyone chiming in regardless of their vocal qualities!

The business meeting was short and sweet as elections were held to form the new HSRAA Executive Committee for 2008 - 2009. Later, Mark Hammond was elected Chairman.

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