HSRAA Reunion - 7...
From the Fall 2006 Octoraro Loop.
Thanks to the return of Horseshoe's own "Sump Pumps!" July 9, 2006 was the largest turnout for an HSRAA reunion in its sevenyear history. After a great supper, the reunioners settled in to singing songs lead by Ernie Heegard, an auction of old camp Scout Law signs lead by Clarke Green and an evening filled with comedy and song provided by the popular "Sump Pumps".
One cannot applaud more the effort put forth by our past Camp Staffers that Saturday evening.
The members of the "Sump Pumps" came from as far away as Virginia, Tennessee and California. Organized by Bill Grubb playing the "saw", the group in the "No Flames in Tents" concert included Rev. Jim Goudie on guitar, John Sauser on the washboard and kazoo, Dave Kline on the washtub, along with the "strong" vocals and kazooing by Yogi Moyer, Phil Schwabb, Bill Pierson, and Steve D'Antonio. Sharp witty humor of Jim Goudie and "Rusty" among others keynoted the performance. Eric Lorgus introduced the group in witty style. Yes, and Jim Goudie's friend, "Rusty" was there with his humorous back and forth "go 'round" delighting all.
Bill Grubb worked putting together this year's "concert" with loyal Sump Pumpers of old. Thanks to Bill and all our old friends for another memorable event!
Thanks, too, to Chris Minshall, the Reunion committee leader who delivered a great time for all. Special HSRAA reunion T-Shirts were available and will be at future events.
Jeff Balmat, Park Service, returns to Horseshoe...
Eagle Scout and former Horseshoe Staff member, Jeff Balmat, attending the Reunion from Arizona talked of his returning to the Horseshoe Scout Reservation and about some of his exploratory work on the past history of the property that now makes up the Reservation.
Jeff's article in the Fall 2006 Octoraro Loop forms a background of his studies and is a preamble to his future articles about our beloved property.